That’s how it always goes, my call to
him or his to me
Monotone, flat and soul-less,
As if speaking to a statue,
A dead body, a dead soul,
Maybe because of the distance
Maybe I am distanced
Or Maybe he is
That’s how it goes,
Two strangers, asking out of duty, not
concern, talking
Hi, how are you? What’s up? How was your
Hi, I am fine, What about you? Nothing
special, as usual
Then the awkward silence speaks,
A mantra keeps turning on and on in my
Loin des yeux, loin du
Loin des yeux, loin du
That’s how it goes,
Since best wishes are done through the
Sympathy is shared through the phone,
Visits are cut short, paid through the
Socializing fucked up cuz” of the phone,
How pathetic!!
I guess, that’s how love too is
mono’tunned over the phone
Everything starting to be of 2.0
Feelings, morals, values, l bac,
religion, even faith
Love is just one clue
I remember grandpa saying long time ago
Blessed he is, since he and his
generation knew no phone
Hhhhhh, I laughed my ass off
Saying that’s only old age speaking o
But now, I got it the hard way round
Now that I am to be an 2.0 generation
Of wireless, texting, smart phones and
God knows what’s to come along
That’s how it goes
Anyway, Goodnight, I’ll call ya back
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