lundi 18 mars 2013

Feel Like no Inspiration

Feel like writing
Writing something I dunno what it is
Feel like cofessing,
Feel like expressing,
expressing something yet to be felt
emptiness, is it sensed?
emptiness is it touched?
emptiness is it smelled?
emptiness is it seen?
emptiness is it tasted?
Feel like shouting to the open horizon
horizon, in it alone
Feel like screaming voicelessly
Feel lik flying
with wings yet to have
Obviously, I need inspiration
little thing, big thing, huge thing
sad thing, funny thing, hilarious thing
Any Thing
Nothing on my mind,
but ghosts of ideas,
shadows, crippled and disabled
Nothing on my mind.
No Thing,
Any Thing,

3 commentaires:

  1. Hello Kaoutar! um well first I would like to tell you that I knew about this blog via your facebook page that I visited after I had read your poem published on Morocco News Tribune. By the way, my name is Somaya and I'm also fond of creative writing (I actually have published an article on the same can read it :) I just want to say this poem is literally describing the writer's block I'm enduring now :D I feel silly when I hold a pen or open a brand new Word.doc and just keep staring for ages..... What do you do about it?

  2. tahnk you so much Somaya!
    Concerning your question, well, when there is no inspiration, there are surely some ideas that pop up in your head now and then; there is always something you think of when U want to write. so What I do is I jot down those foolish ideas and forget about them a little while then go back to them, I would delete some and add some till I got it all cleared up. But still, sometimes I cannot find inspiration then I would listen to some music or read abt sthg I like, go for a walk,...
    till it pops up out of the blue :)

    1. I do the the same thing Kaoutar! But I sometimes jot down those ideas and forget about my writing plan...after a while I go back to have a look at them and I go like oh! Why did I write these silly ideas and then? I end up deleting them :) I think those ideas should not be deleted because they make sense depending on the mood :)
      Kudos :)
